Gerüchte und Neuigkeiten Warhammer 40.000

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Gerüchte und Neuigkeiten Warhammer 40.000

Beitrag von Eversor » Fr 20. Dez 2013, 11:00

Im Januar steht uns das große Krabbeln bevor. Ein paar erste visuelle Eindrücke gibt es hier.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

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Registriert: Fr 20. Dez 2013, 11:27

Re: Gerüchte 40k: Release voller Bugs

Beitrag von Kriegsschmied » Mi 25. Dez 2013, 01:27

Neue Infos zu den Tyras: ... anide.html

Interessant finde ich, dass es den Carnifex demnächst scheinbar in einer zweier Box gibt, und auch einer in der Armeebox mit dabei ist. Scheinbar wird ihnen im nächsten Codex eine wichtigere Aufgabe bevorstehen.

Mein aktueller Favorit ist der große Kanonenkäfer. Der wird sehr interessant werden.

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Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Gerüchte 40k: Release voller Bugs

Beitrag von Eversor » Mi 25. Dez 2013, 10:47

An die Zweierbox will ich noch nicht so ganz glauben.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

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Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Gerüchte 40k: 7. Edition

Beitrag von Eversor » So 29. Dez 2013, 17:18

Bisher hieß es, dass 2014 die 9. Edition WFB erscheinen solle. Jetzt kommen jedoch die ersten Gerüchte auf, dass es bereits in ein paar Monaten eine neue Edition für 40k geben wird.

Hier einmal die wichtigsten Aussagen von 40k Radio:
The big 40k rumor is: This summer GW will release 7th edition 40k and 9th edition Fantasy has been shelved, for now.
same guy who gave us the marine stuff, dark elves, sentinels of terra, sisters dex, said there would be no Inquisitor game in November, and Tyranids in January, seems pretty damn creditable to me. In fact we are the only ones that have been correct for the last 6 months. But don't let facts get in the way of your assumptions. (Kyle)
From what we understand the new Rulebook with incorporate data slates, escalation, stronghold assault, and some tweaks.
First things first.....this is only a RUMOR. Albeit from a very reliable source. He has given us great info for the last few months. We only release info that our source says is ok for us to talk about. He initially gave us this rumor quite a while ago and we kept quiet on it until he gave us the go ahead. At this point it could be totally bunk and we will be the first to admit we are wrong. That is why at this time we are calling it a rumor as opposed to the facts we gave out about Space Marines, Dark Elves, Sentinels of Terra...etc.
Noch ein paar andere Fundstücke:
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212 (solid source)
The next edition of 40k will be called 7th, not 6.5 when it drops, but as far as rules go it will be less of a jump than 5th to 6th.

The key areas being updated:
Interceptor, sky fire, fortifications, lords of war, allies and data slates.

As for its release it'll probably be September not "the summer."

It's not finished yet, still being tested so anything can happen.

The thought behind this edition is to make the game less alpha strike explosive and more "competitive" at all points values (even when including Lords of War), but D weapons outside of apocalypse may see alternate rules.

Pistols in close combat in 7th
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
So, here's the breakdown for areas of interest as they stand.

Interceptor is being unhooked from skyfire

Skyfire lets targets shoot at Flyers at full BS, but ground targets only as snapfire.

Interceptor lets you shoot enemy reserves at the end of the enemy's movement phase.

They will no longer interact and let a target hit both ground and flying units with full BS.

A new universal rule will be introduced to be combo'd with skyfire to represent co-axle weapons.

Interceptor being slightly re-arranged. Units will need to Nominate that they will be intercepting during their own shooting phase, in order to be eligible to use the rule in the subsequent enemy turn. If they then use interceptor, they will still be unable to shoot in their following shooting phase, but can nominate to intercept again.

Right now interceptor is seen by the team as being too strong, and a no-drawback decision. i.e. you shoot with it, if your opponent brings in reserves you get free shooting. If they don't bring on reserves you act normally next turn.

This flip will make it so that a tactical employment of interceptor (with a bit of gambling) will need to be employed. Smart generals may manipulate reserve rolls to delay reserves while an opponent is set to intercept, getting away with not being shot and then not presenting targets or they may bring their units on wholesale after forcing an opponent to shoot at their already-present units for whatever reason, thus denying them the option to intercept.

This was an original thought for 6th, but was cut because it was seen as "too much to keep track of," but now with tokens and markers being so prevalent it should see its way back in.

Character models with pistols will be able to make one attack using their pistol in Close Combat instead of the usual +1 attack if they want (they may always just use it as +1).

This may be opened up to all models or just models that are actively taking advantage of gunslinger (making all their attacks use pistols), but right now it's seen as something that "slows the game down."

The new rules for fortifications will be in the big book (in so far as how building damage, occupation etc)

The new rules for lords of war will be in the big book (but may see changes to D weapons).

More rules are there for if only one player takes a LoW, representing either the player with it having to use such a devastating weapon because of a critically important mission, or that the LoW is the objective itself for the team without it (i.e. destroying a titan is the basis for some campaigns in the fluff, let alone missions).

Dataslates will be in the new book, but are going to be modified. They will still be self contained, but will most likely occupy the ally slot, or if nothing else, lock your ally to being that book.

i.e. if you take a tau dataslate, you can only take tau as allies.

The big words on the board are still "Let people take what they want and play with what they want" but it's being counter balanced with making it fair, competitive and within reasonable limits of the fluff.

I know that the original intention of letting people pick up 1 HQ and a unit for a new army and adding it to an existing force for a fresh alternative / marketing incentive to start a new army has been received as a relative "failure" by the developers and the consensus is that allies feel mandatory in order to play competitively, even outside of the WAAC combos that exist. So this is the biggest area of contention

Dem steht jedoch auch eine weitere Aussage von Faeit212 gegenüber:
via an anonymous source from the Faeit 212 inbox
There will be no 7th edition or 6,5 edition of Warhammer 40k during the summer of 2014. The Games Workshop team isn't interested in compiling the existing rulestets yet, since the edition is not over yet. In fact, our distributor (the main distributor) received news that the WHFB 9ed is indeed coming this year - he didn't mention when exactly. So 40k fans don't keep your hopes up.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

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Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Gerüchte 40k: 7. Edition

Beitrag von Eversor » Mo 30. Dez 2013, 10:33

Es gibt mal wieder einen kleinen Teaser für kommenden Monat:
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

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Registriert: Fr 20. Dez 2013, 11:27

Re: Gerüchte 40k: 7. Edition

Beitrag von Kriegsschmied » Do 2. Jan 2014, 01:17

Die ersten vollen Seiten aus dem kommenden WD sind jetzt im Netz: ... desde.html

Und es ist wahr, der Carnifex wird jetzt im Doppelpack verkauft. Ich hoffe mal, dass es sich hierbei nicht um einen neuen GW-Trend handelt, mittelgroße Modelle demnächst nur noch als Pärchen zu verkaufen.

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Beiträge: 3730
Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Gerüchte 40k: FW über MO und Läden

Beitrag von Eversor » Fr 3. Jan 2014, 16:20

Angeblich sollen im März (anderen Gerüchten nach im Mai) die Onlineshops von Forge World und der Black Library in die Mail Order Seite von GW integriert werden. Ab dann soll Forge World auch über die GW-Läden bezogen werden können.
Die Integration soll einhergehen mit einer komplett neuen Internetseite von GW.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

Internetbeauftragter / Administrator
Beiträge: 3730
Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Gerüchte 40k: White Dwarf vor dem Aus?

Beitrag von Eversor » Do 9. Jan 2014, 13:27

Wenn man den Gerüchten des Kaffeesatzorakels Faeit212 vertraut, dann war der aktuelle WD der letzte. Ab Februar wird er durch ein neues monatliches Magazin und ein kleines wöchentliches ersetzt:
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
There will be an announcement this Saturday. The monthly White Dwarf magazine is history. There will be a small weekly white dwarf magazine and a new monthly magazine, called "warhammer: visions", 230 pages strong(!!!). This will start in February.
Also there is a meeting in February for every European "black shirt" in England. Maybe for the new GW website, including FW. :)

via a must be kept anonymous source on Faeit 212
As a heads up, you're going to be getting emails about "weekly white dwarf mini magazines."
It's called White Dwarf Visions and it's true.
They will focus on talking about the hobby and community more so than being a sales magazine.
Dafür spricht jedenfalls die Tatsache, dass im aktuellen WD anscheinend kein VÖ-Datum für die nächste Ausgabe angegeben ist.

Außerdem sollen am Samstag auch weitere Veränderungen bezüglich der Releasepolitik und der allgemeinen Firmenpolitik bekanntgegeben werden. Evtl. erst einmal den Mitarbeitern.

Schade, dass ich keinen Kontakt mehr zu einer Exfreundin habe. Ich habe sie nämlich damit aufgezogen, dass ich mir ihren Geburtstag über den Todestag eines bekannten Diktators gemerkt habe. Da könnte sie sich mit dem Todestag meines ehemaligen Lieblingsmagazins revanchieren. :mrgreen:
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Internetbeauftragter / Administrator
Beiträge: 3730
Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Gerüchte 40k: White Dwarf vor dem Aus?

Beitrag von Eversor » Do 9. Jan 2014, 15:30

Laut BK ist das ganze in trockenen Tüchern, da heute die Händler informiert wurden.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …
