Neue Edition von Warhammer 40.000 am 17. Juni

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Re: Neue Edition von Warhammer 40.000 am 17. Juni

Beitrag von Eversor » Mo 5. Jun 2017, 10:48

Hier ist mal eine Einschätzung zu den Fraktionen, die zwei der Spieltester (Frankie und Reece von Frontline Gaming) bei einem Twitch-Video von sich gegeben haben:
Snipers will generally need a couple turns to kill a character. 3 Vindicares is about the level to kill a character a turn. Hit or miss depending on the army you're playing against.

60-90 minute games once you're used to rules and playing quickly. Game shouldn't go longer than 2.5 hours. (2k points)

If a unit has a default weapon on their datasheet, but can replace it with something else, you don't need to buy that default weapon. FLG will put out a spreadsheet for list building.

Screening units are going to be important. First turn charges are possible.

Tanks are a lot harder to kill.

Shooting pistols in combat is just ok in practice, combat is usually over before they can be used.

Weapons were pointed for their specific army, not cross-compared

Ballistari are awesome (both shooting and cc)

Reroll was most used CP

Abilities that prevent falling back are very good

Smite is a solid power for most armies. Smite spam can be pretty strong.

Deathguard one of the weaker armies for now

Tau overwatch is even better than 7th

Averaging around 6 CPs with most armies. Build towards a better army, not to spam CP.

Imperial Knights always go first

LOS blocking terrain really important, recommend 2-4 pieces at least.

Top 5 factions (Not in order, subject to change): Frankie (Marines, Dark Eldar, Harlequins, Orks, Nids) Reece (Harlequins, Scions, Nids, Orks, Marines)

Bottom 5 (Eldar, Inquisition, Demons, Legion of the Damned)

Favorite Rule Change: ICs can't join units

Least Favorite: Exploding Vehicles

Reece: "Open Topped vehicles that can fly are the best vehicles in the game"

Harlequins one of the best armies in the game. Big on Dark Eldar too.

VSG is still really good


Reece: "Missile Launchers are probably the best ranged weapon in the game"

Lascannon Centurions w/ an Apothecary is a strong unit

Crusader weakest LR variant. Godhammer probably best of three stock variants.

Grey Knights fragile but hit hard. Recommend Paladins

Jump Pack BA are good. Dante + Sanguinor beats your face.

Aura buffs and their interactions are the big part of list building.

Good Space Wolves stuff: Blood/Swift Claws, Wulfen, Rune Priest, Wolf Guard w/ Combis

Get more mileage out of bigger units in general (Blood Claws, 6 Centurions, etc)

Servitors are terrible. Fenrisian wolves are bad.

Super expensive units are usually resilient enough to still do some work.

Drop reserves first during deployment.

Dark Angels better then they have ever been. Deathwing Knights, Azrael, Black Knights

Land Speeders w/ 2 heavy flamers is secret sauce.

Don't need anti-air weapons

Flyers are hit and miss. They don't use them that much

Grav is still good, just not auto take.

BA one of the best CC armies

Vindicator sucks

Rowboat is so stronk.


Manticore probably best Guard artillery. Basilisks and Wyverns good too.

Need to be cognizant of all your Guard characters not being part of a unit now.

Good Guard stuff: Bullgryn w/ Primaris, Rough riders, Scout Sentinels w/ heavy flamer, Scions, Yarrick one of best HQs in game, Taurox Prime OP, Astropaths

Executioner plasma is bad. Battlecannons is good. Double battlecannons on Knights one of the best loadouts.

Stormlord is best superheavy

Index Imperial 2 other stuff

Mechanicus good stuff: Cawl, Electro Priests (shooty and choppy), Iron Striders, Dragoons.

Rangers lackluster, but overall Mechanics units are solid

Knights are one of the stronger armies. 3-4 Knights tough to deal with.

Shooty Knights are better. Stomps better than the sword.

Sisters good stuff: Acts, Celestine (must take), heavy flamers, Repentia, Penitents, Full mech, Priests

Sisters of Silence flamers are best, swords are meh.

Plasma Acolytes + Coteaz

Custodes play pretty much the same.


Orks good stuff: Jumping Shoota Boys, Meganobz or Gitz, Bosses, Big Meks, Nauts, Burnas, Tankbustas, Big Choppas, Stormboyz, Rokkits, Lootas.

Boyz do a lot more damage. Trukks and sloggers both work. Nobs way better

Dakkajet one of the best flyers.

Stompa is worth the points.

Buggies/Skorchas way better.

Wagon w/ rolla good in combat, hard to kill even w/o 'ard case.

Put skorchas on your walkers. Put wrecking balls on your trukks.

Meganobs good for soaking overwatch

Likes Lootas over Bustas because of range


Tau good stuff: Crisis Suit armies, Missile pods, Commanders, Stormsurge, Kroot w/ aura buffs, Savior protocols, Sniper drones.

Didn't miss JsJ

Regular Commander > Coldstar

Riptides not so good. Don't usually take more than one.

Fish of Fury is decent. Frankie big on suit armies.

HRR and HYMP both good choices for Broadsides.

Vespids are decent


Tyranids good stuff: Psychic powers, Swarmlord, Swarmlord, Swarmlord, Broodlord (best HQ), genestealers, Prime (2nd best HQ), adrenal glands on all the things, Rippers, Hive Guard, Venomthropes (auto include), Biovores, Damn near everything apparently.

Flyrants still good, but not like 7th.

Tervigon is just ok. Warriors a lot better than before. Termagaunts just ok, Hormaguants awesome. Zoanthropes meh. Pyrovores in a pod are pretty good. Harpy/Crone ok. T-fex not very good

Reece: "Tyrannocyte one of the best transports in the game"

Tyranids can put out lots of mortal wounds from different sources

Lots of deployment options. All medium bugs build is probably hardest to pull off. Nidzalla is really good.

Genestealer cults

Cult good stuff: Ambush, Unquestioned loyalty, Patriarch, psychic powers, Magus, Primus, Acolyte hybrids, the good Guard stuff, the good Nid stuff, Standard Bearer, Goliath

Psychic powers some of the best in game. Unquestioned loyalty one of the strongest rules

MSU is a good strategy. Glass cannon army. Spamming demo charges is good


Eldar good stuff: Phoenix Lords except Baharroth, Noobdrad, Avatar, Farseers, Warlocks, Storm Guardians, Wraiths, Dire Avengers, Scorpions, Wave Serpents, Shining Spears, Distort

Eldar got the bat, the world rejoices.

Shuri Cannon > Scatter laser

Wraithlords way better. Banshees super fast, Hawks are ok. Warp Spiders not as good as before. Playstyle is pretty similar to 7th

Fire Prisms are ok. Low damage output

Sun Cannon + Shield is best Knight loadout

Ynnari way better than straight Craftworld

Dark Eldar

Good DE Stuff: Power from Pain, Transports, Drugs, Lillith, No Escape, Drazor + Incubi, Kabalite Warriors, Mandrakes, Reaver jetbikes, Hellions, Flyers, Heat Lance

Archons not that good

No rerollable 2++

MSU not as good. Take 10 man squads

Best flyers

Raiders are hard to kill. Reece "Best transport in the game"

Probably most improved army. One of the best.

Blood Brides > Wyches


Reece and Frankie: "One of the best armies in the game"

Good Harle Stuffs: Psychic powers, Rising Crescendo, Star Weaver, Fusion pistols, Solitaire, Shadow Seer (Best HQ)

Faster than you, shoot better than you, fight better than you.

Just bumrush with Star Weavers and win.


Good Necron Stuff: RP, Overlord + Lord + Cryptek, Named Characters, Immortals, Big warrior bricks, Deathmarks, Flayed Ones, Quantum Shielding

Character auras are really powerful and important

Heavy Destros and Warriors for anti-vehicle

Heavy Destros > Doomsday Ark

Wraiths not as good as before

Illuminor is key

Tesserach Vault is too expensive

Very resilient army


Chaos Marines good stuff: Abbadon, Predators, Havocs, Dark Apostle, Warp smith, Marine troops, Cultists, Chosen, Terminators w/ Warp Time, Berserkers, Warp Talons, Raptors, Maulerfiends, Defilers, Kharne, Magnus,Typhus, Nurglings

Huron not that great. Cypher is ok. Possessed are meh. Mutilators are not that good. Forge Fiends are better but still just ok

Chaos Knights > Lord of Skulls

Magnus is beast

Cultists probably best troops especially w/ Abbadon

Berserker hype is real



Demon good stuff: Princes hiding like little girls, Skarbrand, Khorne and Slaanesh, Tzeentch heralds on discs, Epidermus

Fatey not as good as before. LoC is ok.

Blue Horror split is still good

Reece: "Nurglings are one of the best units in the game"
Wenn die Einschätzung so stimmt, dann ist die neue Edition wirklich historisch, weil die Eldar erstmalig im unteren Feld wären.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

Beiträge: 1860
Registriert: So 15. Dez 2013, 01:38

Re: Neue Edition von Warhammer 40.000 am 17. Juni

Beitrag von Terrorbär » Mo 5. Jun 2017, 11:35

Ähm... was heist erstmalig... abgesehen vom letzten Codex wo sie zugegebener maßen sehr hart waren empfand ich sie in den vorhergehenden Editionen als bestenfalls Mittelmäßig... was halt auch daran lag das man erst im letzten Codex ihre Stärken der Psi begabtheit sehr stark ausgebaut hat. So werden Eldar mal wieder zu einer Liebhaber Armee... aber Grundsätzlich liste sich das ganze sonst recht Positiv. Bin halt drauf gespannt wie die besonderen Orden abschneiden. Ich kann keine DeathRaven Wing Armeen bei den Dark Angels mehr sehen.

MfG Terrorbär
"You are my unbroken blades. You are the Death Guard." Mortarion "The Reaper"

Internetbeauftragter / Administrator
Beiträge: 3730
Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Neue Edition von Warhammer 40.000 am 17. Juni

Beitrag von Eversor » Mo 5. Jun 2017, 20:01

Schlecht waren die Eldar nie, von daher wäre ihre Platzierung im unteren Feld wirklich etwas Neues. Sie waren halt nur nicht immer an der Spitze.

Was den Doublewing angeht, der wird wahrscheinlich auch noch gespielt, einfach weil die Leute die Minis haben. Da hoffe ich aber auch auf ein bisschen mehr GRÜN.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …

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Registriert: So 27. Sep 2015, 11:38

Re: Neue Edition von Warhammer 40.000 am 17. Juni

Beitrag von Nixon » Mo 5. Jun 2017, 20:24

"Fish of Fury" sag mir nicht damit sind Teufelsrochen gemeint? :D

Die Tau-Änerungen halten sich ja in Grenzen so wie ich das sehe und im Internet lese. ;) Wird mal Zeit meine lilanen Krieger wieder weiterzumachen wenn bald die 8. Edition kommt.
"The best way to defeat a Space Wolf is to wolf his wolf. You must be careful, though, because if the Space Wolf wolfs your wolf first, then your wolf is wolfed."

Internetbeauftragter / Administrator
Beiträge: 3730
Registriert: So 8. Dez 2013, 18:00
Wohnort: Kassel

Re: Neue Edition von Warhammer 40.000 am 17. Juni

Beitrag von Eversor » Di 6. Jun 2017, 10:38

Fish of Fury ist eine Taktik.

Die wichtigsten Neuerungen der T'au sind die Schreibweise des Namens und die Funktionsweise der Marker, würde ich sagen. Und dass synchronisierte Waffen jetzt keine Trefferwürfe wiederholen sondern doppelt so viele Schüsse haben – was aber auf alle Armeen zutrifft.
Ich kann als Tabletop-Spieler einfach nicht monogame leben …
